Promo Motive Creative Services
Promo Motive is here to help you by designing eye-catching virtuals and custom quotes for you to use to generate new business.
So how does the process work?

It Starts with an inquiry for the brand you’re working on.
Free Virtuals. We take your client’s logo and familiarize ourselves with the company branding guidelines, identifying Pantone colors and design elements. We then take your request and create a free virtual proof.
Often in as little as 1 hour.
Time to quote.
Following their brand guidelines and your unit requirements (ie how many do they want?) we go to our factory sources and get you the promo industry’s best price.
How do we do that? Over the last 18 years we have travelled extensively throughout both Asia and domestically securing exclusive arrangement to sell their products to the promo industry.

We get the factorys’ to compete for your order.
For each product category we have at least 3 different factory’s that produce the promo product you want. With each inquiry we send the product quote request to them.
The next morning we send you an all inclusive price. This price includes all freight, product costs, decoration costs, duties and taxes (if any) and our service which includes overseeing the production and delivery from the “factory floor to your door!”
We make it simple and secure
We send you the amazing price quote and the best price that you will ever get from any supplier. The rest is all up to you.
Go get the business, think of us as your rapid importing experts.
Email us your inquiry here